Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Who doesn't want to boast?!?

Jeremiah 9:23-24

This passage has appeared in my prayer journal over the last few weeks. I find that it provides reprimands, encouragement, and hope. But how many times do I read the first verse with a proud attitude, secretly thinking I am above boasting in knowledge, power, or money. I’m not. That, my friend, is a sad reality.  
And then comes the frozen- yogurt- topped- with- brownie- pieces- and- happy- confections part. insert any other food you are currently dying to have. The next part says “…but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows me…”.
So I still get to boast…only as long as it’s only in Him alone. Solely. Not about how I’m such a great person because of Him. Not about how I’m a much better person then that stranger over there. Not about how I am a super righteous and loving person.
Okay that makes me want to gag when I write it out. 
I can boast in Him and about HIM. Leave every “me, myself, and I” all alone in a dark pit.
I can boast in Him because He overcomes my ugly, battered, torn, and prideful heart. I can boast in Him because there’s a breath in every life form on this planet because of Him. I can boast in Him because it gives Him glory. I can boast in Him because He flips the twisted lies and hurts I see into something beautiful-something where I end up going “Ahhhh, God You were there the whole time”.
What else is truly as satisfying as boasting in Your Savior? If you can think of anything else, I promise it’s because of Him anyways. to find something somewhat similar to frozen yogurt and brownie pieces…

1 comment:

  1. Hey sis, I like this. Currently craving a steak and ginger beer though...;) (Did you take the picture?)
