Thursday, January 5, 2012

These Are Weird Times

If someone ever won an award for sporadic and random blog posts it would be me.
It just happens that I have moments that I deem my thoughts possibly worthy to be written somewhere.
Endure this if you so desire

I don’t write songs.
Last time I did, I was 7. After jumbling together a few lines about Jesus and singing it in the bathtub with bubbles as an audience, I wrote the song out on a little piece of paper. That was the last time I crossed paths with writing my own songs. *gulp*
But I wrote a song.
*The whole world gasps*
Oddly enough, I guess sometimes there’s enough going on in my life that I can actually puke out some lyrics. Actually, they appeared without too much thought. I’m still debating if that’s a good thing or not…
My next feat will be mixing the lyrics with what guitar skills, if any, I have recently explored.
This brings up another issue. I don’t even own a guitar (!!!), so the guitar I am using is borrowed. Her name is Augustine. But I feel that I can’t fully own the statement “I play guitar” until I have my own guitar to name. Feat #2.

And yes, the lyrics were not included in this post. But no, they will not be secret forever. 

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